8 Insurance Useful

8 insurance Useful

Am I properly insured?
This question Dutch often; much more often than other Europeans or Americans. We are happy to financially 'safe' when we are faced with an accident, fire, illness or adversity at work. The fear of failure leads to a series of voluntary insurance where the holiday trip, the windshield of the car, the possible decline in the share price and even the wedding is hedged. But are insured for a lot of inconvenience, does not always mean that you are properly insured. Sometimes insurance more expensive than a potential benefit or treatment. Sometimes consumers do not know when an insurer pays or not. And sometimes they are insured double. Then good especially expensive.

Are there insurance that I must conclude mandatory? 
Yes. Mandatory his health insurance, fire insurance of the owner-occupied, and the liability of the insurance (liability). Applies to all three: when things go wrong, you have to deal with costs that no one can bear. Suppose someone in a car accident caused by your debt becomes incapacitated, the liability insurance covers the damage. The same is true for health insurance. Costs associated with hospitalization and specialist help for far not wear most people. And if a house is destroyed by fire, is the house away but runs through the mortgage.

What can I insure?
Absolutely everything: the weather, the wedding, the psychologist, the caravan, legal, dental, valuables, health care for the dog, slimming! To close such voluntary insurance, you should consider two things. One: I can be a potential security benefit may also have to pay? Two: under what conditions does a policy to actually benefit? There are limits to what one pays insurance. Do not think you can hire the most expensive lawyers with legal expenses in the hand yourself to save your job. And do not forget that a dental insurance all 
your crowns, implants, bridges and braces 'just' refund

What non-compulsory insurance, I can shut it better?
Almost everyone insures the contents of the house. Also, most people have a general liability policy. Furthermore, many conclude a supplementary healthcare insurance. Drivers with a car to take four years old usually full hull insurance (fully comprehensive) that is paid by an accident, the damage to his car through his own fault. Homeowners often conclude with the preparation of a mortgage on a life insurance policy. This makes the house (partly) mortgage free if dies one of the insured. Many people use such a policy even if a life insurance policy. Travel insurance today are very general, like legal expenses insurance, though they are members of a trade union is usually unnecessary.

Why is it not good to be over insured?
Some insurance doubles together. In most holiday destinations for example the ordinary health insurance in force. If you go to these countries, you therefore do not need travel insurance for sickness or accident. A study of insurance for (small) children is expensive and does not deliver much; you can save for it better myself. The largest life insurer in the Netherlands (Interpolis) offers its customers to vet their entire insurance package duplications. They undoubtedly do to increase their own market share, but the company's action speaks volumes.

Is an all-in-one package cheaper than all individual insurance?
All post a single insurer and thereby collect an apparently substantial discount, seems attractive but is not always. According to the comparison sites on the internet you can still third cheaper if you ever shopped the best deals with different insurers. 
Most rebates of insurance amount to 6 to 7 percent. Especially on car insurance can save you money, not least because the providers of these policies have been engaged for almost a year at a price.

Also in life insurance and travel insurance is talk of big price differences.

The price for health insurance depend largely along with coverage and terms. Incidentally, it is nice easier to do business with one insurer. In case of damage you can always contact one counter. That's worth something.

How often should I run after my insurance?
The best thing is of course every year. If you really still anticipate your changing personal situation and price competition among insurers, you are not only assured good but also cheap. Indolence simply takes money. Is the all-risk insurance of the car still needed now this has already become older? Do you still need a legal assistance when you retire? When the children leave home, this may affect your insurance; think of the liability policy. Also obtain an inheritance can have major impact on the insurance. You do not, for example to ensure more kinds of small risks, because you can not bear those risks themselves suddenly. On the other hand, some people who have to spend more money, want to assure luxurious themselves. Think of the supplementary health insurance. And if they make large purchases conducted on the building or a renovation, that has an impact on the contents insurance.

Need people with orthodox beliefs to assure no obligation?
There are groups for their beliefs will not take out insurance, even for a statutory health insurance. These are some Orthodox Christians and Muslims. They cover the risks as much as possible in their own circles. The government health insurance does not therefore seek to impose on these people. 
But belief or not too strict believers can end up in the hospital. Therefore, there is a contribution for this group-substitute tax which corresponds to the premium care and income-related contribution payable others do. They are certainly not financially advantaged.
8 Insurance Useful 8 Insurance Useful Reviewed by up tech review on 14:15 Rating: 5

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